There have been some changes to September events, please review below.
September 2023: School Spirit Month! Go, Buzz Bees, Go!
Parent & Teacher Conferences: Infant/Toddler, PreprimRegistration link ary, Primary A
Month of Giving to Free Little Library and Food Pantry: Upper Elementary
12 Coffee & Conversation 10:00: High School! (4th grade up) Zoom Link
15 Lower Elementary PIN & Open House 6:30-8:00 Watch for Info
19-22 Infant and Toddler: Parent/Teacher Conferences Zoom Link
19-22 Preprimary: Parent/Teacher Conferences Zoom Link
19-20 School Portraits by Stephanie (Preprimary and Older) Watch for Info
20 PAC Meeting 5:30-7:00 pm - limited childcare available
21 International Day of Peace: Students Sing Along! Watch for Info
22 Little Kicks Soccer Session: 3 and Older Registration link
22 CVS Annual Family Flu Shot Clinic (3 years and older and their siblings and parents)
2-6 p.m. Main Building: Please register through this Link before your visit!
25-28 Primary A: Parent/Teacher Conferences Zoom Link
27 School Portraits by Stephanie (Infant/Toddler & Makeup) Watch for Info
29 LAST FRIDAY 4:00 Closing: 3:00-4:00 Carpool: Whole Staff Meeting & PD No AMH services available today
October 2023: PAC’s Annual Chili Cook Off!
Conferences: Primary B, Primary C, Lower El (Phone, Zoom, In-Person)
Month of Giving to Free Little Library and Food Pantry: Middle School
6 RSVP for GrandDays Opens! Watch for Info
6 Primary PIN Event: 6:30-8:00 (6:30-7:00 Meet & Greet 7:00-8:00 Presentation)
7 Outdoor Classroom Work Day: 10:00-11:30 Main Campus
9 Fall Market Day: Upper El & Middle School sell, 5 yrs old & older may buy: Watch
for Info
9-12 Primary B: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
13 Infant & Toddler and Preprimary PIN & Open House 6:30-8:00 PM Watch for Info
16 Upper El & Middle School Science Fair
16-19 Primary C: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
21 Chili Cook-Off Watch for Info
23-24 Upper El & Middle School Overnight Camp Out! Watch for Info
23-27 Lower El: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
27 LAST FRIDAY 4:00 Closing: 3:00-4:00 Carpool: Whole Staff Meeting & PD No AMH services available today
28 New trees for Jefferson Park! Watch for info
30 Lower El: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
What’s Happening?
Infant & Toddler
A toddler walks carefully around the classroom, pushing a wooden walker shaped like a VW bus in front of them. The child carefully maneuvers around many hazards in the road - tables, shelves, other smaller wooden cars, children, etc. Before turning to avoid each collision, the child calmly and quietly says, “Beep, beep!” to let others on the road know they’re coming. After a few moments of careful driving, the child throws caution to the wind and begins to race around the room, shouting “BEEP, BEEP!” A guide approaches the child to remind them of the rules of the road and the child slows back down to the indoor speed limit.
Upper Elementary
During the first group of the school year, students take turns sharing fun facts about themselves. An ice breaker activity invites students to raise their hand if they enjoy cats, dogs, and pizza! This activity allows students to see what they share in common with their new classmates. Students observe a lesson on personal timelines. They then each take a long narrow paper, and mark an inch for each year of their life. Students practice public speaking and share their life story with the class. They are excited to begin their South American studies on the country of Peru this year!
Primary B
In the late afternoon, an older child reads to a group of younger children on the group time rug. They sit around their older friend in a circle and listen intently as they read a nonfiction story about the continents. When the story is over, the children talk about each continent and sing the continent song together. Slowly, children get up from the circle and each chooses a peaceful work in the classroom before the day comes to a close.
The students return to a classroom with new works on the shelves and new friends. Their older students are now in Primary and the class has new Pre-Primary students. The children greet each other by name as they walk in the door. They discuss the names of their new friends and question where their old friends have gone. Students show their new classmates the playground while rejoicing in seeing their ‘old’ and ‘new’ friends all together!
Primary A
A younger friend is working on a butterfly life cycle puzzle. They take all the pieces out of the wooden frame. When they are done, they start putting the 9 pieces together starting with the egg, then the caterpillar, the cocoon, and finally the butterfly. The student is excited after they are able to complete the puzzle all by themself. As soon as they restore the work, another friend is happily choosing the same puzzle. Meanwhile, older friends are working with more complex puzzles that have tiny pieces. Other students are working on counting from one to nine using beads and some colorful dots while trying to make a big triangle.
Lower Elementary
Students eagerly have their hands raised during the first morning group time of the school year. They take turns adding their contribution to the classroom constitution, stating rights that they have in our class community and responsibilities that these rights entail. One student mentions that they have the right to talk in the classroom, and other comments that they have the responsibility of using a quiet voice when talking. A third student adds that they shouldn’t interrupt anyone involved in work. The work cycle begins and a few students are learning about the origins behind the names for the days of the week. Each student has a favorite back story. They discuss, and each write down a fact. Another small group of students have an atlas and a set of cards that include flags for each country in North America. They match each flag to its country in the atlas, then practice creating a full sentence listing various countries using commas.
Primary C
An older student quietly welcomes a brand new three-year-old friend. The student kindly invites their brand new friend on a tour of the classroom “This is where you hang up your bag!” Another friend is receiving a lesson on hammering. The student observes their guide place protective goggles on their face and the guide says, “We need to keep our body safe while we use the hammer and nails.” As the guide moves through the hammering lesson the student is amazed and begins the lesson themselves.
A Special Kindergarten/ PIII Moment
While the Kindergarten students recite their First Day of School poem, a student notices an opossum outside the classroom window! All the students stop to observe their peek-into-nature moment. This observation leads to a wonderful conversation about why the possum might have been outside our window? Does an opossum have predators? Where would this opossum get its food? The students drew the opossum and their school and will vote on a name for the possum.
Middle School
In the morning work cycle, some students gather around a rug for a fractions operations lesson. As the lesson progresses, one student suggests that they increase the difficulty by incorporating their algebra studies. The older student slowly starts to manage the lesson creating problems on a board for the other students to complete. The students enjoy the challenge as they transition back into school from the summer!
PAC Corner!
PAC is excited for the 2023-2024 school year and very much looks forward to connecting with you and yours in the near future. Our theme this year is to Simplify, Grow, and Nurture our community. And to that end, we have some details to share!
Our first outdoor work day of the year is Saturday, September 9, 2023, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. All are welcome! No special experience is needed! Childcare will be available- free of cost! Reminder: Outdoor workdays are V-hour eligible AND super fun. Please meet us at the main campus.
Our first PAC Meeting of the year is Wednesday, September 20, 2023, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the main campus. We will be focusing on Chili Cookoff planning, and all are welcome to attend (also V-hour eligible). We are shifting our meeting times this year to mirror PIN nights in that the first half hour will be catching up and mingling and the last hour will be pure PAC business. Please let us know at our email address below if you have any questions.
Save the date! Our annual Chili Cook-Off this year will be on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Stay tuned for deliciously amazing details!
PAC Meet-ups! If you are interested in planning a PAC-sponsored and funded meet-up for your child’s classroom/age group this year, we would love to try to make that happen! We are happy to leave the details to your creativity, but we ask that all PAC-sponsored meet-ups be substance-free and inclusive for all families in the classroom/age group. If you are interested in planning such a meet-up, please connect with Natisha Knight at [email protected] to get the ball rolling.
If you are interested in getting involved in PAC, please reach out to us at any time at [email protected]
Here is to another great school year!
Central’s Little Free Library and Pantry
Thanks for helping us give back to our neighbors. A neighbor who depends on this pantry for food has posted a request on the pantry asking that donations include food containers that someone without a home, kitchen, or can opener can manage. We ask that donations contain only foods within the expiration date. All foods should be as healthy as possible. We can do this!
Month of Giving
Books for Little Free Library & Food for Little Free Pantry
Please feel free to send your donations in with your child. Individual classrooms will collect these items and the front office will manage them. Older students will help us keep our pantries stocked with your generous gifts. Your child (and our neighborhood community) benefits from your modeling of giving to others. It inspires them and helps them see how they themselves can help others. This is a very big deal.
Upper Elementary
Middle School
September 2023: School Spirit Month! Go, Buzz Bees, Go!
Parent & Teacher Conferences: Infant/Toddler, PreprimRegistration link ary, Primary A
Month of Giving to Free Little Library and Food Pantry: Upper Elementary
12 Coffee & Conversation 10:00: High School! (4th grade up) Zoom Link
15 Lower Elementary PIN & Open House 6:30-8:00 Watch for Info
19-22 Infant and Toddler: Parent/Teacher Conferences Zoom Link
19-22 Preprimary: Parent/Teacher Conferences Zoom Link
19-20 School Portraits by Stephanie (Preprimary and Older) Watch for Info
20 PAC Meeting 5:30-7:00 pm - limited childcare available
21 International Day of Peace: Students Sing Along! Watch for Info
22 Little Kicks Soccer Session: 3 and Older Registration link
22 CVS Annual Family Flu Shot Clinic (3 years and older and their siblings and parents)
2-6 p.m. Main Building: Please register through this Link before your visit!
25-28 Primary A: Parent/Teacher Conferences Zoom Link
27 School Portraits by Stephanie (Infant/Toddler & Makeup) Watch for Info
29 LAST FRIDAY 4:00 Closing: 3:00-4:00 Carpool: Whole Staff Meeting & PD No AMH services available today
October 2023: PAC’s Annual Chili Cook Off!
Conferences: Primary B, Primary C, Lower El (Phone, Zoom, In-Person)
Month of Giving to Free Little Library and Food Pantry: Middle School
6 RSVP for GrandDays Opens! Watch for Info
6 Primary PIN Event: 6:30-8:00 (6:30-7:00 Meet & Greet 7:00-8:00 Presentation)
7 Outdoor Classroom Work Day: 10:00-11:30 Main Campus
9 Fall Market Day: Upper El & Middle School sell, 5 yrs old & older may buy: Watch
for Info
9-12 Primary B: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
13 Infant & Toddler and Preprimary PIN & Open House 6:30-8:00 PM Watch for Info
16 Upper El & Middle School Science Fair
16-19 Primary C: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
21 Chili Cook-Off Watch for Info
23-24 Upper El & Middle School Overnight Camp Out! Watch for Info
23-27 Lower El: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
27 LAST FRIDAY 4:00 Closing: 3:00-4:00 Carpool: Whole Staff Meeting & PD No AMH services available today
28 New trees for Jefferson Park! Watch for info
30 Lower El: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link will be sent out in October)
What’s Happening?
Infant & Toddler
A toddler walks carefully around the classroom, pushing a wooden walker shaped like a VW bus in front of them. The child carefully maneuvers around many hazards in the road - tables, shelves, other smaller wooden cars, children, etc. Before turning to avoid each collision, the child calmly and quietly says, “Beep, beep!” to let others on the road know they’re coming. After a few moments of careful driving, the child throws caution to the wind and begins to race around the room, shouting “BEEP, BEEP!” A guide approaches the child to remind them of the rules of the road and the child slows back down to the indoor speed limit.
Upper Elementary
During the first group of the school year, students take turns sharing fun facts about themselves. An ice breaker activity invites students to raise their hand if they enjoy cats, dogs, and pizza! This activity allows students to see what they share in common with their new classmates. Students observe a lesson on personal timelines. They then each take a long narrow paper, and mark an inch for each year of their life. Students practice public speaking and share their life story with the class. They are excited to begin their South American studies on the country of Peru this year!
Primary B
In the late afternoon, an older child reads to a group of younger children on the group time rug. They sit around their older friend in a circle and listen intently as they read a nonfiction story about the continents. When the story is over, the children talk about each continent and sing the continent song together. Slowly, children get up from the circle and each chooses a peaceful work in the classroom before the day comes to a close.
The students return to a classroom with new works on the shelves and new friends. Their older students are now in Primary and the class has new Pre-Primary students. The children greet each other by name as they walk in the door. They discuss the names of their new friends and question where their old friends have gone. Students show their new classmates the playground while rejoicing in seeing their ‘old’ and ‘new’ friends all together!
Primary A
A younger friend is working on a butterfly life cycle puzzle. They take all the pieces out of the wooden frame. When they are done, they start putting the 9 pieces together starting with the egg, then the caterpillar, the cocoon, and finally the butterfly. The student is excited after they are able to complete the puzzle all by themself. As soon as they restore the work, another friend is happily choosing the same puzzle. Meanwhile, older friends are working with more complex puzzles that have tiny pieces. Other students are working on counting from one to nine using beads and some colorful dots while trying to make a big triangle.
Lower Elementary
Students eagerly have their hands raised during the first morning group time of the school year. They take turns adding their contribution to the classroom constitution, stating rights that they have in our class community and responsibilities that these rights entail. One student mentions that they have the right to talk in the classroom, and other comments that they have the responsibility of using a quiet voice when talking. A third student adds that they shouldn’t interrupt anyone involved in work. The work cycle begins and a few students are learning about the origins behind the names for the days of the week. Each student has a favorite back story. They discuss, and each write down a fact. Another small group of students have an atlas and a set of cards that include flags for each country in North America. They match each flag to its country in the atlas, then practice creating a full sentence listing various countries using commas.
Primary C
An older student quietly welcomes a brand new three-year-old friend. The student kindly invites their brand new friend on a tour of the classroom “This is where you hang up your bag!” Another friend is receiving a lesson on hammering. The student observes their guide place protective goggles on their face and the guide says, “We need to keep our body safe while we use the hammer and nails.” As the guide moves through the hammering lesson the student is amazed and begins the lesson themselves.
A Special Kindergarten/ PIII Moment
While the Kindergarten students recite their First Day of School poem, a student notices an opossum outside the classroom window! All the students stop to observe their peek-into-nature moment. This observation leads to a wonderful conversation about why the possum might have been outside our window? Does an opossum have predators? Where would this opossum get its food? The students drew the opossum and their school and will vote on a name for the possum.
Middle School
In the morning work cycle, some students gather around a rug for a fractions operations lesson. As the lesson progresses, one student suggests that they increase the difficulty by incorporating their algebra studies. The older student slowly starts to manage the lesson creating problems on a board for the other students to complete. The students enjoy the challenge as they transition back into school from the summer!
PAC Corner!
PAC is excited for the 2023-2024 school year and very much looks forward to connecting with you and yours in the near future. Our theme this year is to Simplify, Grow, and Nurture our community. And to that end, we have some details to share!
Our first outdoor work day of the year is Saturday, September 9, 2023, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. All are welcome! No special experience is needed! Childcare will be available- free of cost! Reminder: Outdoor workdays are V-hour eligible AND super fun. Please meet us at the main campus.
Our first PAC Meeting of the year is Wednesday, September 20, 2023, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the main campus. We will be focusing on Chili Cookoff planning, and all are welcome to attend (also V-hour eligible). We are shifting our meeting times this year to mirror PIN nights in that the first half hour will be catching up and mingling and the last hour will be pure PAC business. Please let us know at our email address below if you have any questions.
Save the date! Our annual Chili Cook-Off this year will be on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Stay tuned for deliciously amazing details!
PAC Meet-ups! If you are interested in planning a PAC-sponsored and funded meet-up for your child’s classroom/age group this year, we would love to try to make that happen! We are happy to leave the details to your creativity, but we ask that all PAC-sponsored meet-ups be substance-free and inclusive for all families in the classroom/age group. If you are interested in planning such a meet-up, please connect with Natisha Knight at [email protected] to get the ball rolling.
If you are interested in getting involved in PAC, please reach out to us at any time at [email protected]
Here is to another great school year!
Central’s Little Free Library and Pantry
Thanks for helping us give back to our neighbors. A neighbor who depends on this pantry for food has posted a request on the pantry asking that donations include food containers that someone without a home, kitchen, or can opener can manage. We ask that donations contain only foods within the expiration date. All foods should be as healthy as possible. We can do this!
Month of Giving
Books for Little Free Library & Food for Little Free Pantry
Please feel free to send your donations in with your child. Individual classrooms will collect these items and the front office will manage them. Older students will help us keep our pantries stocked with your generous gifts. Your child (and our neighborhood community) benefits from your modeling of giving to others. It inspires them and helps them see how they themselves can help others. This is a very big deal.
Upper Elementary
Middle School