Here are Some Helpful Resources

Recommended Reading
Kramer, Rita. Maria Montessori: A Biography (Part III “The Method and the Movement”).
Lillard, Angela Stoll. Montessori: The Science behind the Genius.
Lillard, Paula P. Jessen, Lynn L. (2003). Montessori from the Start.
Lillard, Paula P. (1996). Montessori Today.
MacKenzie, Dr. Robert. Setting Limits for the Strong Willed Child.
MacKenzie, Dr. Robert. Setting Limits: How to Raise Responsible, Independent Children by Providing Clear Boundaries.
Montessori, Maria. (1949). The Absorbent Mind.
Montessori, Maria. (1956). The Child in the Family.
Montessori, Maria. (1973). From Childhood to Adolescence.
Montessori, Maria. (1946). Education for a New World.
Montessori, Maria. (1955). The Formation of Man.
Seldin, Tim. The Montessori Way.
Lillard, Angela Stoll. Montessori: The Science behind the Genius.
Lillard, Paula P. Jessen, Lynn L. (2003). Montessori from the Start.
Lillard, Paula P. (1996). Montessori Today.
MacKenzie, Dr. Robert. Setting Limits for the Strong Willed Child.
MacKenzie, Dr. Robert. Setting Limits: How to Raise Responsible, Independent Children by Providing Clear Boundaries.
Montessori, Maria. (1949). The Absorbent Mind.
Montessori, Maria. (1956). The Child in the Family.
Montessori, Maria. (1973). From Childhood to Adolescence.
Montessori, Maria. (1946). Education for a New World.
Montessori, Maria. (1955). The Formation of Man.
Seldin, Tim. The Montessori Way.
Recommended Montessori Websites
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